Wednesday, December 28, 2011

AKB48 Official Shop Singapore

Yaay! Happy good day!
Yesterday I went to AKB48 Official Shop Singapore, but I didn't go to AKB48 Official Cafe :"<
Lemme share my photos :)))

The Showcase *______*

Me hahaha! XD

In front of AKB48 Official Shop!

Oh I wanna buy all of thisssss

NMB48 T-shirt!
I can't take many photos. No photography here, in the shop.
AKB stuffs here are too expensive, I just buy AKB48 2nd album "Kamikyokutachi" and a pencil case.
Oh I wish I had more money so I could buy those AKB stuffs.
But at least, I can say that AKB48 Official Shop is my favourite shop evuuurrrr!!
How I wish Johnny's Entertainment had an official shop too in Singapore.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy mother's day :)
Love you mom, you are my everything! Keep awesome! Thank you for being so wonderful.
please forgive all my misdoing haha!
Sincerely, your amazing daughter ヽ( ´∀`)ノ
Replaying YUI's To Mother again and again. How touching...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Here it comes!

OMG I've been waiting for thissss

Now I'll share some picspams 83

Sunday, December 18, 2011

JKT48 - Heavy Rotation

MINNA!!! Saya sudah berhasil meng-convert mp3 Heavy Rotation yang bahasa Indonesia dari perform mereka Sabtu sore =w=
Pertama convert dari video youtube ke mp3 terus diedit pake software buat nge-remix lagu habis itu baru di-upload. Repot ya hehe :))) tapi gak sia-sia kok xD

If you want to download the audio, CLICK HERE :3
If you want to know the lyrics, CLICK HERE :3 (not the official lyrics btw)

Hehe semoga bermanfaat ya :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011


YOOO MINNA! Happy good day :))
Tadi sore saya nonton loh live performance-nya JKT48, walaupun di TV sih heheheh.
Kompak! Bagus kok! Apalagi outfit-nya itu lhoooo cute banget bikin pengen u____u mirip-mirip di Iiwake Maybe gitu deh ;)
Aku mau deh beli CD atau DVD debutnya JKT48 :DD
Buat yang belum sempet lihat, ini aku share link-nya biar pada bisa streaming :))

Monday, December 12, 2011

Le Troll

*iseng-iseng sebelum remed matematika* 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

JKT48 + Pocari Sweat

Halo semua!

Bahagia banget bisa lihat iklan ini lol xDD

Tadi pagi di twitter ada temen yang ngepost link CM JKT48+Pocari Sweat ini. Tapi begitu saya buka eeehhh ternyata videonya udah di-remove uhuhuhu... Tapi tadi barusan ada yang bilang kalau videonya udah diupload ulang sama pocarigoion @ youtube. Saya langsung cabut ke TKP!

Dan yak! Saya seneng waktu ngelihat CM ini! Awal-awalnya udah ada yang teriak "ONE TWO THREE FOUR!" kayak Yuko pas nyanyi Heavy Rotation, tapi saya gak tau di JKT48 yang teriak siapa... Awalnya saya mikir gini "Waduh Heavy Rotation ya... Katanya mau dibikin bahasa Indonesia..." tapi waktu saya lihat CM ini ternyata JKT48 nyanyi hebirote tetep pakai bahasa Jepang kyaaaaaah xDD

Ini dia iklannya :D

At least, saya puas sih sama iklan ini. Keren! Tapi pasti lebih keren lagi kalau ada saya di situ.

Kanon and Iwan Setyawan replied my tweet asdfghjkl;;

Happy good day!
Now I'm happy hahahah xDD

I feel like playing C-ute's Sekaiichi HAPPY na Onna no Ko in my mp3 player~~!

Look at the pict, friends! Kanon, one of my favorite Jpop solo singer, replied my mention! Ahahaha it was the fourth time she replied my mention! FOURTH TIME! Omg sooooo happy! X'D

And now, look at the picture above! Iwan Setyawan, author of 9 Summers 10 Autumns, replied my tweets too~ xD

HAHAHA can't hide this happiness!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Halo semua!
Malam ini saya menemukan berbagai video epic di YT kkkk~
dan tentu saja berhubungan dengan vocaloid.
Awal mulanya waktu disuruh ibu browsing partiturnya Lagu Cinta Untuk Mama, saya menemukan video Len Kagamine nyanyi lagu itu. Omg he's overloading with cutenesss <3 tapi sayangnya nadanya fals gitu :"| BUT STILL CUTEEE xDDD

It's OVER!

Hell yeah! Final exam is over! And then holiday comes! Yippie! xD
But I'm still waiting for the result like hell -_- omg I feel like "doki doki waku waku" LOL xD (?)
Hope I don't have to do the remedial test.
If I have to..... Inoo, please let me borrow your brain for a while. Sincerely, your secret admirer LOL!